

E-Bikes are becoming very popular for the assistance they provide throughout your ride to work or with firends/family. It is a good way to get back into the saddle again as you can switch on the pedal-assist when you need it!

We have been following the e-bike trends so that we can source to you the appropriate bike for the conditions you will be looking to use it for. We know it can be intimidating working out the different components and bike types, so we invite you to pop-in and have a chat to help find the perfect model for you.

Though the brands we offer currently are limited for our e-bike range, we are keeping our eyes peeled for more options, so return here to find out if we have any other brands to offer in the future!

E-Bikes In Stock & Incoming

Featured E-Bikes

Orbea Gain D30 (£2599) in Large & D40 (£2659) in XS + more stock incoming.

Looking to get from A to B fast? As long as you’re taking the open road, the Orbea Gain will be your ideal companion. With integrated bike lights and a barely visible battery, the Gain will also look the part whilst out and about.